The United Counties of Prescott and Russell

The United Counties of Prescott and Russell is the soul of eight municipalities, each one with unique characteristics. Serving East Hawkesbury, Hawkesbury, Champlain, Alfred and Plantagenet, The Nation, Casselman, Russell, and Clarence-Rockland, the United Counties of Prescott and Russell acts as an upper-tier municipality with the responsibility of supporting regional interests and providing residents with an unparalleled quality of life.

The City of Clarence-Rockland is a modern municipality that marries rural charm with urban vitality. Clarence-Rockland is located on the banks of the historic Ottawa River to the north, and in the shade of the tall pine trees of the Larose Forest to the south. Between these two poles, we find several communities with colors and charm of their own. From its humble beginnings as a forest city more than 140 years ago, Clarence-Rockland has flourished into a city ball of nearly 23,000 people. Located 32 kilometers east of Parliament Hill and 145 kilometers west of Montreal, the region offers excellent quality of life and countless business opportunities. With diverse professional services led by a skilled workforce, constant resident growth, numerous sports and cultural activities, restaurants, retail and specialty shops, the City of Clarence-Rockland is the place to be. par excellence for Living, Working and Investing.

613.446.6022   |

The Jean Coutu pharmacy is a pharmacy leader in its chosen markets. The company offers top quality products for health, hygiene and beauty, in a warm and efficient environment. Our strength lies in the notoriety of the PJC concept, our marketing leadership and the coaching services provided to our franchisees. We are committed to delivering superior performance to our shareholders and exciting careers for all professionals and employees of the Jean Coutu network and Group.

613.446.5054  |

Au tournant des années 1940, des associations de travailleurs, des groupes syndicaux, des professionnels, des salariés et des communautés culturelles ont fondé des credit unions, également connues sous le nom de caisses d’économie ou caisses de groupes. Leur but : se donner des moyens pour faciliter l’autonomie financière de leurs membres en regroupant leurs avoirs financiers.

En 1979, le Mouvement Desjardins a accueilli ce réseau de caisses avec ses 200 000 membres répartis sur tout le territoire du Québec. Aujourd’hui, ces caisses continuent leur progression et sont fières d’enrichir le grand Mouvement Desjardins par leur diversité. Découvrez les étapes marquantes de l’histoire de ce réseau de caisses uniques et fortement enracinées au sein de différents milieux de travail.




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